
Showing posts from February, 2010

What drives oil prices, speculation or fundamentals?

As part of a research assignment, I analyzed with my fellow Toulouse School of Economics colleagues Maria Garcia , Saniya Tapalova and Rodolfo Tupayachi the drivers of oil prices. Here is a link to the Analysis  and the presentation .

Krugman lecture at MIT

What have we learned from the credit crisis? A lecture by Paul Krugman, my hero. Here are the main extracts: This crisis is any many ways similar to the 30s one Crisis tend to occur when we forget about previous crisis We forgot that banks were unstable (and therefore needed to be regulated). This is mainly targeted at the Americans In the Great Depression, the Fed did not even try to expand the monetary base. In this respect, Bernanke did much better. Big government with all its flows has the advantage of being an "automatic stabilizer" in periods of crisis. Financial crisis have long lasted consequences (cf. "This time is different" by Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff). There is a risk that we remove economic stimulus too early and the economy to plunge back into recession.

Super Bowl Ads

Yesterday was the Super Bowl, a sort of final for American Football, watched by millions of people. It is therefore a fantastic platform for advertisers. According to a survey, 51% of the Super Bowl watchers liked the ads better than the game! Have TV ads become a platform for advertising football? :) PS: The Google ad was "Parisian Love". It reminds me that the presentation of Apple's iPad was based around Paris as well. Have the Americans fell in love with France?

Banking reform: example of Canada

Canada's banks weathered the financial storm remarkably because they hadn't indulged in reckless lending. We could learn from this example when considering banking reform.